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The program is designed to promote the health, well-being and safety of young workers in the State of Florida and the rest of the US by sharing relevant information and resources from experts in the field. The two primary outreach efforts of this project are to: 1) Inform youths, their families, educators and employers about risky work-related health behaviors; and 2) Share important research on young workers through community outreach, social media and the flye site.



MORG members are actively engaged as standing and ad-hoc members of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) sector councils, including Construction and Mining where findings from national and state-level surveillance efforts are disseminated to sector council members. The Sector councils are comprised of various stakeholders, including industry, government, unions, companies and academia.  


The MORG in partnership with the Occupational Health and Safety Program in the State of Florida has developed and is pilot testing new educational toolbox talks around silica and respiratory disease exposure among minority construction workers with the goal of improving knowledge and use of N95 respirator masks appropriate for specific workplace exposures.  The MORG is also pilot testing the use of a lunch truck model to disseminate health protection and health promotion information among minority workers. 


© 2018 by MORG Staff. 

The MORG is a NIOSH-funded (R01-OH003915) research team in the Department of Public Health Sciences, at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine.

Last Updated:   July 27, 2018


Tel: 305-243-6980

Fax: 305-243-5544



Find us: 

1120 N.W. 14th Street, 10th Floor

Clinical Research Building

Miami, Florida, 33136

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